INSERT: The Configurations of a World Made By a Hefty Personality
May 2023
3D art + animation, AI stills + animation, video and sound
1920 x 1080 px, 05:06
Semester + Senior Thesis Project for Experimental Cinema.
Delved into the format of Indian movies where there can be a dramatic plot line and it cuts to a song. This film cuts to an item song, which usually serves as fanservice to the Indian cinema moviegoer. I use that format by building a world that my 3D characters' reside in.
Modeled in Maya: Spider-Funko, DEEROID, BIRB, Maurice, Spider-Robot, and INSERT.
Sculpted in Mudbox: Hyde & Hyde, and Parrot. Textured in Maya: Spider-Funko, BIRB, INSERT, and Parrot.
Textured in Substance Painter: DEEROID, Maurice, and Spider-Robot
Textured in Mari: Hyde & Hyde
Lit + Rendered 3D frames with V-Ray via Maya.
AI frames and animations generated via Stable Diffusion.
Compositing completed via Nuke.
Sound compiled with composited footage via Premiere Pro.
World Builders Inc., Gary R. Libby Focus Gallery, Gainesville, FL, May 4–6, 2023